9 Lessons I Learned During my First 100 Days as a Creative Analytics Director (1/9)

By: Bernardus Ari Kuncoro


With instantly transforming media technology today, content creation production can be done easier than ever. Fifteen years ago, I had to do extra effort in curating the content materials for my thesis. I needed to go to libraries or bookstores to find out the various sources.

What about now? Most of the activities must be done with an internet connection including reading and writing. Most of the content materials have been transforming into digital. Moreover, people can access it easily and quickly by just browsing.

Realized or not, big data and the internet have changed the way we solve problems. Including the way we analyze, manage, and unravel data. With the digital revolution, data-driven quality improvement is the core of any industry.

In the creative industry, moreover, with a tremendous amount of ideas available on the internet, using analytics is a must to support the decisions.

Even though having no specific ‘creativity’ degree, such as literature, film making, or graphic design, my employer trusts me to lead the creative content department which includes graphic designers, social media officers, multimedia content creators, and some interns.

Before this position, I was a Head of Analytics Center of Excellence (CoE). Leading data science instructors to conduct training and some data implementation projects.

Both two-position above made me learn and more importantly unlearn a lot! Data and creative people are completely different. Most of the data professionals’ characters are more systematic, algorithmic, and easy to predict.

Meanwhile, creative people that include graphic designers, social media content creators, video editors, and so on, are more scattered in both mentioning their ideas and working on their tasks. Plus, I would say that it is not easy to follow because sometimes they have their own unique way.

Here are a few learnings I acquired in the past 100 days …

1. Know your team

Photo by airfocus on Unsplash

My coach reminded me to get to know the team members before re-organization started. Thus, I conducted a 1o1 online meeting to talk to each of the team members. We discussed their goals, strengths, and their weaknesses, usual problems, and what do they expect from me as a leader.

Upon talking with each of the team members, we made an interactive discussion in a big forum a.k.a. workshop meeting. We wrote the problems and possible solutions.

Workshop output in a digital sticky note application: Problems and solutions

To be continued

Kalideres, 23 September 2021

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