
There are a lot of friends who follow OJT program in Total Balikpapan. Most of them are ITB students. I didn’t know them b4.. yeah.. The major program of them are Geology, Geophysics, Industrial Engineering, Phisical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Etc.

I didn’t remember their names. But their faces are familiar to me.

A friend that I know her well is Farida, Industrial Engineering 2004. She is in HRD now.. She joins her internship there for 2 months. I do believe that people there are smart people and good students.

O yeah,…. I met friends from Geologist that will send to Samarinda to map Samarinda Stadion for next year PON. Oh… I can’t imagine they will be tough there. 🙂

Yeah.. after lunch. I will finish and edit my chapter 2. Too much letters I wrote.. I should make it simpler. 🙂

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