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Oleh: Bernardus Ari Kuncoro
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This report shares our latest data on data science & analytics salaries, COVID-19’s impact, hiring trends, and everything you need to know about where the data science & analytics space is headed.
The data science market continues to accelerate and is experiencing unprecedented growth as businesses around the world focus their efforts on digital transformation to not only thrive but also survive in the fourth industrial revolution!
Artinya apa? Di negara Paman Sam sana, pasar data science tetap tumbuh dengan cepat, mengingat semua lini bisnis di dunia ini berfokus pada usaha mereka melakukan transformasi digital. Prediksi mereka, pasar Pekerjaan di bidang Data Science ini tidak hanya berkembang pesat, tetapi juga bertahan dalam revolusi industri keempat.
Kalideres, 21 Agustus 2021