ThursdAY, 21st June 2007
I didn’t do any important things today. I just went to office… fulfill my journal and continue my report.
But the interesting part that I’ve got is: I met Agung and Hamzah. They are newcomers in my room. They came from Teledata.
Agung’s hometown is Jogjakarta. Same as me…He was an SMA2 student. His academic background is Electrical Engineering D3 in Sanata Dharma University and continue to UGM… He also goes to Catholic Church.
While Hamzah is Singaporean.
We all discused a lot of things about anything. From celebrities, TV serial and music that are popular in Singapore to telecommunication job.
Icha will go to Field tomorrow. She borrowed my red clothes=trouser, safety shoes, and helmet. Icha, Rida and I went to my kos2an and took that stuffs. I don’t hv any plan to go to fields. I hope my mentor will arrange my field trip. Hopefully She will guide me in that field trip. 🙂
But the important thing that I should doo is finishing my assignment… yeah…
Last Senipah trip is very unforgetable. If I had a chance to go there again,,, and being a manager in Total… 🙂
It could be my new experience!!