By Bernardus Ari Kuncoro

Sometimes we unintentionally say “I envy you”. The ‘you’ refers to our friends, siblings, colleagues, or anyone who you don’t know much.

Well, envy is a feeling of discontented or resentful longing aroused by someone else’s possessions, qualities, or luck.

The meaning of envy

Envy led the brothers of Joseph to sell him as a slave (Gen 37:18 – 36). It was also envy that led Jesus to be crucified (Mark 15: 21 – 41).

Nowadays, envy leads to an attack on reputation. When people are envious, they start to spread their words through gossip.

Well, we require to shield our hearts from jealousy. It can creep us slowly. We can be tempted to envy our families, such as brothers or sisters when they are having more money, relations, and networks.

When they got the possessions that we really want but we don’t have them. We feel envious.

The more appropriate feeling instead of being envious is getting inspired. Those people deserve their reward because of their hard work, faithfulness, and obedience. God bless them because they follow God’s will for their lives.

Holy Spirit teaches us to be happy for other people when they are blessed. Not conversely. Be sad for other people when they are happy.

When we do our best in what God has called us to do and when we follow His ways, He also has His own reward and blessings in store for us.

Let’s do the best and God do the rest!

Kalideres, 10 January 2022

(Inspired by Didache, July 12, 2017).

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