Tantangan Menulis Hari ke-73

Oleh Bernardus Ari Kuncoro

Jumat kemarin saya punya ide. Membuat soal matematika terkait trend #BTSMeal. Untuk apa? Ya, supaya otak tetap punya sense untuk berhitung. Agar neuron-neuron di otak masih ada letupan-letupan menyehatkan.

Sebelum masuk ke soal, Anda mesti mengingat konsep perkalian dan pembagian.

Yuk, kita lihat soalnya.

According to The Korea Times, the BTS is set to receive a whopping KRW 10.0 billion for participating in the “BTS Meal” promotion. In Indonesia and other 49 countries, the meals are sold IDR 45,445 per piece. Assume that there are 30 days of promo period, what is the daily average number of meals need to be sold in each countries to make McD revenue reach BEP?

Assume KRW 1 = IDR 12.7 and COGS (per piece) is IDR 20K.

Kalideres, 11 Juni 2021

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